ABOUT Tom Dale (b. 1974 Kendal) explores ideas around the preposterous and absurd, using sculptures and film to make explicit the inherent contradictions of the grand gestures of culture and society. Dale studied Sculpture at Sheffield Hallam University (1997) and an MFA at Goldsmiths (2007). He was a doctoral researcher at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge from 2009 – 2013. His solo exhibitions include Black Attols, NIMAC, Nicosia, Cyprus (2015-2016), Department of the Interior, Copperfield, London (2014), Terminal Blue, John Hansard Gallery, Southampton (2014), Zero is Immense, Aid & Abet, Cambridge (2013), Arnolfini & Art in the Public Realm permanent sculpture commission, Bristol (2013) Formal Pleasure, CAN, Neuchatel, Switzerland (2012) Memorial Drag Strip, Poppy Sebire Gallery, London (2011), Shot Through, IFC Cinema, New York (2010), Six Flags, Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw (2008), Back Seat Driver, City Gallery, Wellington, New Zealand (2007) Group exhibitions include Trio Biennale, Rio, Brazil (2015), Take You There Radio, Magasin Centre National d’Art Contemporain, Grenoble (2015) The Written City, Bruges Triennial (2015), L’Hospice des Mille-Cuisses, CAN, Neuchatel, Switzerland (2015), The Art of Pop Video, FACT, Liverpool (2013), Curator's Egg Altera Pars, Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London (2012), The Art of Pop Video, Museum of Applied Arts, Cologne (2011), UR-NOW: The Ruins of the Contemporary, Whitstable Biennale (2010), Deceitful Moon, Hayward Gallery London (2009), Videonale 12, Kunst Museum, Bonn (2009), 13+, Florence Llynch gallery, New York (2008), Reckless Behaviour, The Getty Museum, L.A. (2006) |